Saturday, March 1, 2008

Out and About

The surgery last week was a success. Last Sunday on the way to church I noticed that I can move my right little finger! (I haven't been able to move it in and out.) I also have a tingly feeling in the palm part on my hand. They say that is good. Maybe the numbness is going away??? My right arm in still very sore and I have to keep it elevated whenever possible. I got the cast off last Saturday and I go back this Wednesday to see the hand surgeon to get the stitches out.

This week has been a tough week. I have finally hit the point of being sick of being at home and not being able to drive. No fun! However, this weekend the family is going up to Christmas Mountain in Wisconsin. I was hesitant on going, however, I need to get out! There is only so much I can do in my house in this snowy February. I am looking forward to spring and going back to work.

*Melissa Lyle*

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