Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Spring Break is here! Not many plans for me except therapy twice this week. Next week I get to start strengthening my right arm. Right now I am working on picking up very light objects and holding them in the palm of my right hand. (I haven't been able to do this since the accident.) I am looking forward to having full use of my right arm. The pain is gradually going away. Each day it is less bothersome. Yahoo for getting better!

Next week I get to go back to work. I will update and let you know how that goes. I am nervous and excited, but definately ready to be back.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Count Down to School...

I stopped by the middle school yesterday to see the teachers. I got to talk with many of them and am looking forward to seeing them all again very soon. I am encouraged by seeing everyone and how friendly and supportive they have been. The real countdown is on and I can't believe that I am finally going back to work after spring break. As crazy as it can be this time of year for teaching, I kind of miss it??? If that makes any sense.

Anywho, I am off to another session of therapy this evening on my right arm that I had surgery on. I am looking forward to having use of both my hands. Even though my right one is still numb, I will be able to use it again. The numbness should also heal, but in it's time.

It is above freezing here and that makes me happy. Finally a step towards Spring time. I know many have been looking forward to.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Progress to School

This past Wednesday Ryan took me to the hand surgeon to get the stitches out. After talking with the doctor, he was very pleased at the progress I have received so far. I can move my little finger and I have gotten muscles back it my hand! Little things excite me these days. My hand looks weird since I haven't had these muscles for a couple months now.

Along with the good progress, I have been cleared to go back to work at the end of the month. I am excited about getting back. It has been too long.

Please continue to pray for healing...
The arm I had surgery on is sore most the time now. I am grateful for the progress, but it hasn't been painless. My ribs are healed but the muscles in my back still feel weak.

Thanks for the support as always!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Out and About

The surgery last week was a success. Last Sunday on the way to church I noticed that I can move my right little finger! (I haven't been able to move it in and out.) I also have a tingly feeling in the palm part on my hand. They say that is good. Maybe the numbness is going away??? My right arm in still very sore and I have to keep it elevated whenever possible. I got the cast off last Saturday and I go back this Wednesday to see the hand surgeon to get the stitches out.

This week has been a tough week. I have finally hit the point of being sick of being at home and not being able to drive. No fun! However, this weekend the family is going up to Christmas Mountain in Wisconsin. I was hesitant on going, however, I need to get out! There is only so much I can do in my house in this snowy February. I am looking forward to spring and going back to work.

*Melissa Lyle*