Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Year Anniversary

It has been just over a year since the accident and I am moving forward. Back in September I finally got feeling back completely in my right hand. Sooner than expected but grateful. If I would give a percent as to where I am compared to where I was before the accident it would be at 95%. I am not as strong as I once was in my arms but slowly working on it.
It is crazy to think about how far I have come reflecting on where I was a year ago today. I was driving to school today in rainy/black ice weather. My goal was to get there safely. Strong emotions come back when weather conditions are similar, but I am moving forward and today was a huge stepping stone driving to school SLOWLY in those conditions. My biggest motivation was knowing that a year ago today I had the chest tube remove after being in the hospital 9 days. What a relief it was as well as a painful memory. I tell everyone that if I go through life without another chest tube it will be a perfectly good life!
I think the biggest thing I learned today is being grateful for everyday of life. After getting to school this morning, not many teachers were there early, I stopped by the main office and going back to my room I walked by my principle and smiled. This smile was a smile of joy. Although weather conditions may have been horrible getting to school, I was there, completely able to do my job and I was happy. Happy to have a second chance to teach, to influence the lives of children around me.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Finally an Update

Summer is here! I am happy. It has been a long time since I have updated everyone so I thought I would write a few things.
First off... I am done with all the therapies!!!! Yahoo! I have been clear from PT and OT for two weeks now. I have gone back to my family doctor and he is happy with how things are progressing. I am exercising on my own and doing strengthening exercises for my back and arm. Right now I would say I am at about 90% back to normal. Not sure if I will get back to the full 100%, but I know it will be close. Praise God!
There are only a few troubles I am having now. There is still numbness in my right fingers. Notice, it is only in my fingers, the palm of my hand is getting feeling back! Secondly, I have gotten vertigo back.... the room spins! Some people get high on drugs to get this effect. It naturally happens to me. I know what sets it off, but we are trying to figure out how to stop it! My doctor wants me to go see a neurologist just to make sure nothing else is going on.
Lastly Ry and I are finally going to get a much needed vacation. We are going to visit my sister Kay and bro in law Pierre in CA. We are excited about the trip and things we are going to do and see out there. The past 6 months has been a trial that we have learned a lot from. I am here and God is good once again.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Life is Good

My energy levels are picking up and getting back to normal so I can keep up with the middle school kids for the week. I have 2 different therapies a week and both twice a week. I have a muscle therapy where they work on my back and then I have started strengthening on my right arm. (After surgery) One exercise is doing bicep curls with a 2 lb. weight. I laugh at myself!

In my spare time I keep the game book for the varsity b-ball team. I get to see Ryan too! Also this coming week I get to coach the Fresh-Soph girls s-ball team on Friday and Saturday. I won't be able to hit to them for warm-ups, a player will have to do it, but I am excited about coaching as always.

Life is good, I keep improving and getting better. Little things still bug me at times, but I try not to think about them. The warmer weather is also a good pick-me-up. I am looking forward to gardening since I won't be playing any softball this summer. (Maybe next summer when I can feel all of my right hand!)

Thanks always for the support!


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Back into the Swing of Things

I have finished my 2nd week of school now heading into my 3rd! It is great to be back. Very tired and sore still but overall good. Tonight was the first time since November that I am back helping out with the youth group both Jr. and Sr. high! It was a lot of fun. I miss the relationships I have with the kids. They are always entertaining and fun to be around.

This past week I started therapy at my chiropractor in town. I will not let him adjust my back (RIBS!) however, 3 x's a week I get a massage and electrical stem. It feels great when I am done. As always, I keep getting better but just very slowly!

Please pray for my arm and the healing. I get shooting pains in it at times. My two fingers and palm in my right hand are still numb. It just gets annoying at times. Overall, I can't complain. Thinking about where I was 4 months ago and where I am today, God is amazing.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Back to School

Well, the first day back teaching has come and gone and now I am tired! It went really well, but at 3 o'clock I decided that I was definitely exhausted. My back is sore and my arm is bugging me, but I am grateful to be back at it again.

It was good seeing the kids again. I received many hugs and hellos from both students and teachers. Everyone has been great. The PE teachers that I teach with have helped me get the routine down again.

This afternoon I go to my OT to get reevaluated on my right arm. Hopefully then we will be able to start strengthening. If so, it will be another 4 weeks of therapy. As slow as it may go, at least I keep getting better. :)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Spring Break is here! Not many plans for me except therapy twice this week. Next week I get to start strengthening my right arm. Right now I am working on picking up very light objects and holding them in the palm of my right hand. (I haven't been able to do this since the accident.) I am looking forward to having full use of my right arm. The pain is gradually going away. Each day it is less bothersome. Yahoo for getting better!

Next week I get to go back to work. I will update and let you know how that goes. I am nervous and excited, but definately ready to be back.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Count Down to School...

I stopped by the middle school yesterday to see the teachers. I got to talk with many of them and am looking forward to seeing them all again very soon. I am encouraged by seeing everyone and how friendly and supportive they have been. The real countdown is on and I can't believe that I am finally going back to work after spring break. As crazy as it can be this time of year for teaching, I kind of miss it??? If that makes any sense.

Anywho, I am off to another session of therapy this evening on my right arm that I had surgery on. I am looking forward to having use of both my hands. Even though my right one is still numb, I will be able to use it again. The numbness should also heal, but in it's time.

It is above freezing here and that makes me happy. Finally a step towards Spring time. I know many have been looking forward to.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Progress to School

This past Wednesday Ryan took me to the hand surgeon to get the stitches out. After talking with the doctor, he was very pleased at the progress I have received so far. I can move my little finger and I have gotten muscles back it my hand! Little things excite me these days. My hand looks weird since I haven't had these muscles for a couple months now.

Along with the good progress, I have been cleared to go back to work at the end of the month. I am excited about getting back. It has been too long.

Please continue to pray for healing...
The arm I had surgery on is sore most the time now. I am grateful for the progress, but it hasn't been painless. My ribs are healed but the muscles in my back still feel weak.

Thanks for the support as always!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Out and About

The surgery last week was a success. Last Sunday on the way to church I noticed that I can move my right little finger! (I haven't been able to move it in and out.) I also have a tingly feeling in the palm part on my hand. They say that is good. Maybe the numbness is going away??? My right arm in still very sore and I have to keep it elevated whenever possible. I got the cast off last Saturday and I go back this Wednesday to see the hand surgeon to get the stitches out.

This week has been a tough week. I have finally hit the point of being sick of being at home and not being able to drive. No fun! However, this weekend the family is going up to Christmas Mountain in Wisconsin. I was hesitant on going, however, I need to get out! There is only so much I can do in my house in this snowy February. I am looking forward to spring and going back to work.

*Melissa Lyle*

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Surgery update

Lissa had surgery yesterday afternoon, and it sounds like it went well. Time will tell how her nerves heal. They kept her overnight because of nausea after the surgery and to keep her hydrated at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Not only did they get a great view of Chicago, but Ryan was able to sleep on a lovely couch in the room, instead of chairs. She had jello and juice this morning along with some shots to help her for the ride home today. She was greeted by 7 doctors this morning and was ready to go this morning and waiting to be released.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Lissa has a prayer request for tomorrow. She is having outpatient surgery at 1:30pm tomorrow on her right arm (ulna nerve) to aid in the progress of nerve recovery in her arm and hand. The doctors need to make some decisions on what they are going to do when they get in there, but they will not know until they are able to take a look at it during surgery. Thank you for your continued prayers. I will update you when I hear more.
Thank you!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Love Note

Thanks to all for keeping up with my progress. As I get out more, I see many of you and I realize how grateful I am to have so many that think of me and show genuine care for me.

Last night for Valentine's Day, Ryan took me to the 8th grade girls' b-ball game at the new middle school. The coach over there (Coach Johnson who I had as a coach in high school) had me come to the center of the basketball court before the game and a girl from each team came and game me a bouquet of yellow roses. I also received a basketball with all the girls names from both teams. It was a great way to spend Valentine's Day. I definitely felt loved.

"The capacity for sacrifice and service that human beings have for one another knows no bounds. With all our faults, surely God must have meant that the kindnesses shown to me during my injury and recovery were paramount examples of us being created in his image." -Don Piper from his book, 90 minutes in Heaven.
I feel the same way! People have been so amazing throughout my recovery time that the above paragraph is the only way I know how to express it.

God and Friends are great.

3rd Times a Charm

Wednesday Ryan and I headed downtown Chicago to Northwestern to see the 3rd hand surgeon. We were hoping for this doctor to be somewhere in the middle of the previous two extremes. God must have known exactly where we were going to end up because this doctor was exactly that.

Therapy Only...
The back of my left hand has sensory issues as well as not being able to bend my thumb completely. I am working with an Occupational Therapist and I get to do fun things like play with putty, rubber bands and corn husks. (It takes me back to the old days!) She also gave me some scar pads to help reduce the thickness of the scars. So after talking with both #3 and my OT, we are going to leave my left arm alone. If I decide at a later date that I want my thumb fixed, I can do it then.

Things to fix...
My right arm needs to get fixed. It is not getting any better. I have muscle atrophy. This is when you loose muscle. This wouldn't be so bad if it would eventually come back but that would mean that the nerve in my arm would have to start working better. It is not. Soooooo Ryan, my family MD and myself have decided to have #3 go in and take a look and fix it or remove scar tissue in my right elbow. I do not want to have surgery but I feel like I need to have it with the possibility of it getting better quicker.

Surgery Scheduled...
Next week will be the ulna nerve surgery. When I find out more details I will let you know. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Starting off on a positive note...

This is the first week where I don't feel constant pain in my back! The ribs that were broken should be healed by now and the muscles are getting stronger. I still wake up each morning very sore. However, I am sleeping in my own bed again! Fun times. Who thought that would be such an accomplishment?

Today was a big day...
Ryan took me to #2 (hand surgeon). The surgeon had complete opposite views of the first hand surgeon I went to last week. This surgeon wanted to do 3 different surgeries by the time I walked out of there today. He seemed like a very nice, intelligent, and aggressive man. However, after meeting with my doctor, the next step is to see yet another hand surgeon. So next week we are going to meet #3. Hopefully he will be a mix between #1 and #2 so I can make a wise decision on what to do next.

Random note...
Last fall I was introduced to the book 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper. Ry read it last fall. (I married him because he does enough reading for the both of us.) I had put the book off till a week ago and am all ready through most of it. Although I did not have the Heavenly experience like Don did, I can relate to many parts of the book. Many at which I cried. This book has been a great encouragement to me. I would recommend it.

*Melissa Lyle*

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Surgery: To be or not to be?

One down...

I met with a hand surgeon yesterday and he gave me a summary of what is really going on with my right arm and my left hand.

Left Hand: My thumb doesn't bend completely and the MRI results said that I had ruptured the tendon to my thumb. However, the doctor explained that if it was ruptured, then I wouldn't be able to move it at all. I can move it a little, so that is good. NO SURGERY on my left arm! There is a lot of Occupational Therapy that I need to do, but I am fine with that.

Right Arm: My little finger and half of my ring finger are "numb" and the strength in my entire right hand is very weak. The MRI results said that I had damage to my Ulna Nerve in my elbow. I also had a EMG test done on my arm to see if the electrical response to my nerve is still working and it's strength. After reading the report from the EMG, I was a little disappointed. The prognosis was fair. I have a little response to my fingers when they did the test at my wrist. When the doctor tried the same test at my forearm and elbow there was no response. They also tested the sensory nerves and there was no response. After talking with hand surgeon, he said NO SURGERY on my right arm. The nerve is severely damaged. There is no surgery that would help it at this point. He said the nerve heals 1mm a day. (25 1/2mm = 1in) (Thanks to Buck's Calculations!) Which means this could take up to a year to reach my little finger. Once the nerve heals then I can get the muscle strength back, but not until it is healed.

So, in conclusion, I was excited to hear that I would not need surgery on either arms. However, I was disappointed to find out that this could take me up to a year to heal. (There is also the possiblity that it will not heal, but I am not going to talk about that option.) Next week I will start therapy twice a week at the same place where I went to see the hand surgeon. They will work specifically with the function of my hands. Fun stuff, I am able to leave out of the house!

One to go...

My main medical doctor wants me to get a second opinion with another hand surgeon which is a good idea when talking about my hands. This will give me a little more insight as to where I am going to go from here. Everyone knows, I want to make sure after all this is over I am able to still play softball! :)

*Melissa Lyle*

Saturday, January 26, 2008

No news is good news...

Lissa sent this email to me to update everyone. There have been and will be a lot of new steps last week and to come. It's exciting to see the progress, and for many of you - a blessing to her as you walk through it with her in one way or another. So here it is....

I apologize for not keeping this more up to date, but here is an earful! A
lot has happened since I wrote last.

First off, God is good! There is never a day that goes by without thinking
about how blessed I am. I'm ALIVE! I have never been bored or depressed, because there is no reason to be. I figure this is just another phase in
my life and although I don't know exactly where it is leading or what to
expect, I'm along for the ride!!! I have a husband that would do anything
for me, family that is supportive and always willing to keep me company,
our Church family who prays and encourages me, and school family which has
sent notes, e-mails and stepped up to take care of my teaching
responsibilities while I am away.

Secondly, this is the third week I have received physical therapy and
occupational therapy. I am currently considered "home bound" so each lady
comes out to the house twice a week. I have seen much progress and they
have too. Hopefully this next week will be my last week of "home bound"
therapy. Then I will be going for out patient therapy.

The Next step is to see a hand surgeon this coming Monday. I am anxious
to see what the prognosis is. This will determine how much longer I am
out of school. As much as anyone can complain about a job, when you are
not able to do it, you miss it. I miss the students. I stopped by "my"
8th grade girls b-ball game last night. Seeing the students was hard.
I know why I am in the teaching profession.

Finally, please continue to keep me in your prayers. I am healing, but not
fully there yet. I am starting to sleep for part of the night in bed! As
silly as that may seem, it is a big deal for me. The more my body heals,
the more comfortable it is to do many things. The little things like riding
in a car, walking, tying a shoe that we take for granted; I now have a new
appreciation for.

Thank you to all, my cup overflows.

*Melissa Lyle*

Friday, January 4, 2008

A Lissa Exclusive

Lissa is making some great steps. One of those being that she is able to get on the computer a little bit. She emailed this to me today. So you get to hear it straight from our girl.

Another week has past and I am getting stronger, gaining some weight back, and taking the next steps in recovering. I have been getting up and about a lot more this week. I am working on gaining back the muscles I lost sitting around. As much fun as it is getting around, I pay for it later with pain and soreness. Monday Ryan and Bennie (my little 6'3" brother) took me to Allen's Corner for brunch. The next step was getting a pedicure! Ryan's little sisters Sarah and Becca gave me a gift certificate for Christmas and Ryan's older sister Rachel took me on Wednesday, so at least my feet look good. Yesterday, Ryan and Jared (Ry's brother) took me to get MRI's done on both my right elbow and my left arm. We had some time to spare before the weekly doctor's apt. so we went to Panera for lunch and then since the boys were good we stopped by Best Buy to get some movies.

After talking with the doctor, the next step is to get an EMG to test the nerve damage in my right arm and then take those results to the hand surgeon with the MRI's. Right now it seems like if it is not one thing, its another. God is teaching me patience and peace through all this and although this may not be what I had in mind for the new year, God is good. He knows best.

Thank you for all your prayers, cards, e-mails, phone calls, dinners, and help. Ryan and I are blessed to have such great friends, family, church family, and co-workers. I will try, with Kay's help to keep this sight updated. Thanks again for everything and Happy New Year.